
Research Publications


Media and open publications

Invited Talks, Panels and Presentations

  • Antonette Shibani 2024 (July) Generative AI: Rethinking Learning Futures. Invited Panel Speaker at the Australia India InnovEd Webinar.
  • Antonette Shibani 2024 (Jun). Beyond Capability: The Trust Challenge in Large Language Models. Presentation at the 2024 Learning Analytics in Practice (LAP) event, Society for Learning Analytics Research.
  • Antonette Shibani 2024 (Apr). Striking the Balance: Augmenting Human Intelligence with AI and Learning Analytics. Invited talk at the Centre for Learning Analytics at Monash (CoLAM), Monash University, Australia.
  • Antonette Shibani 2024 (March). Generative AI Tiger team presentation to AI Ops Board, UTS. Showcasing use cases for generative AI applications in university.
  • Antonette Shibani 2024 (Jan). AI in Written Assessment: Enhancing or Diminishing Learning? Presentation at the 2024 AI in Higher Education Symposium hosted by the University of Sydney, Australia. [Video Recording].
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (Nov). Preparing students for an AI-driven future. Keynote talk at UTS Careers Industry Event: Recruiting Through a UTS Lens.
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (Nov). Generative AI in education – What teachers should know. Keynote talk at Ravenswood School for Girls, Gordan, NSW.
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (Nov). Augmenting Teaching and Assessment with Generative AI: Successes and Challenges. Presentation at the UTS Teaching and Learning Forum 2023.
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (Nov). How AI Research and Practice Intersect in Education. Invited talk at the AI Education Symposium: Frontiers, Trenches & Guard Rails. Hosted by the Connected Intelligence Centre and the Centre for Research on Education in a Digital Society, UTS.
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (Oct) How do we critically engage with artificial intelligence (AI) to augment human intelligence? (IA), Invited talk at UTS Research Cafe. RES (Research Excellence Support) Hub, University of Technology Sydney.
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (Oct). AI panel. Expert member of the panel discussing disruptions caused by artificial intelligence, UTS, let’s Talk Festival Day 3.
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (Oct) Careers in Data Science. Moderator of the industry panel for the Master of Data Science and Innovation, UTS.
  • 2023 (August) Antonette Shibani & Leila Khanjaninejad. WIL experience in a TD Space. UTS Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Symposium 2023. [Student Voices].
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (May). Generative AI Writing 101. Invited speaker at the AI Ethics Consultation 2023 at UTS – Advancing education using state of the art AI.
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (Jul). NLP in the age of generative AI. Invited talk at Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India.
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (Jul). Sharing teaching practices in data science. Invited speaker at Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M), Chennai, India.
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (Mar). Panel member for the Zoom into Guild Education Series – Importance of Students Engaging with ICT and ChatGPT (Video recording) for NSW teachers.
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (Mar). Women in Data Science talk by the Australian Data Science Network (Video recording)
  • Antonette Shibani 2023 (Feb). Framing generative AI as EdTech. UTS LX lab talk (Slides, video recording)
  • Antonette Shibani 2022 (Dec). Invited panel member for ‘Early Career AI & Learning Researchers’ at the Empowering Learners in AI conference.
  • Antonette Shibani 2022 (Dec). Transdisciplinary Research Conversations. TD School, UTS (Slides).
  • Antonette Shibani 2022 (Nov). ‘A transdisciplinary lens on the ethical use of artificial intelligence’. Invited speaker at the 15th Workshop on the Social Implications of National Security (SINS22) co-located with the International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS22) (Video recording) (Slides).
  • Antonette Shibani 2022. Invited academic member for the deliberative democracy group discussing ‘Automated Essay Scoring in Australian Schools’, University of Sydney.
  • Antonette Shibani 2021. Member of the Expert panel constituting: Ed Santow (Industry Professor in Responsible Technology, & AUS Human Rights Commissioner 2016-21), David Lindsay (Professor of Law & Technology), Susan Gibson (Head, Data & Analytics), Jan McLean (Director, Institute of Interactive Media in Learning), Verity Firth (Director of the Centre for Social Justice & Inclusion), Heather Ford (Assoc. Professor, Digital and Social Media), Antonette Shibani (Lecturer in Data Science & LA/AIED Researcher), Nicole Vincent (Senior Lecturer, AI Ethics) for The UTS “EdTech Ethics” Deliberative Democracy Consultation.
  • Antonette Shibani (2021). Invited Guest Lecture on ‘Writing Analytics’ at the ‘Learning Analytics and Digital Learning‘ course, University of South Australia.
  • Antonette Shibani (2021). Invited guest at the ‘Why isn’t it working‘ podcast discussing the Master of Data Science and Innovation course (MDSI) teaching approaches, current trends and data ethics [Episode][Podcast Series] [Linkedin].
  • Antonette Shibani (2021). Invited blog post on Balancing learning outcomes in partner projects: lessons from Innovation Labs. LX Lab, University of Technology Sydney.
  • Antonette Shibani, Chin Yeow Wong & Adrian Buck (2020, December) Effective Work-Integrated Learning in Remote Settings: Lessons from Innovation Labs. Presentation at the UTS Teaching and Learning Forum 2020.
  • Antonette Shibani, Ming Liu & Simon Buckingham Shum (2020, November). Invited speaker for the LALN webinar series. An Introduction to Writing Analytics and the Design of Automated Feedback. [Learning Analytics Learning Network event][video recording]
  • Antonette Shibani (2020, October). Invited Speaker and Panellist on ‘Human-centered and ethical design of artificial intelligence’ at the Design Innovation Webinar hosted by the National Institute of Fashion Technology, Bengaluru, India. [Event poster]
  • Antonette Shibani (2019, October). Invited Delegate at “Advancing
    research in student feedback literacy”, International Symposium hosted by the Centre for Research in Assessment and Digital Learning (CRADLE), Deakin University, Melbourne, Australia.
  • Antonette Shibani (2019, October). Invited Speaker at UTS TeachMeetThe Future Starts Now“, hosted by the School of International Studies and Education, University of Technology Sydney, Australia. [Video of Highlights]
  • Antonette Shibani (2019, August). Invited Speaker at the panel on “AI Today for Our Tomorrow” at the Intel Artificial Intelligence Workshop, INTEL, Sydney, Australia.
  • Antonette Shibani (2019, August). Meet the scientist discussion – Knowledge cafe. Science in the City 2019 at the Australian Museum, Sydney Science Festival.
  • Antonette Shibani (2019, June). Augmenting pedagogic writing practice with contextualizable learning analytics. Public seminar for PhD Stage 3 assessment, Connected Intelligence Centre, University of Technology Sydney.
  • Antonette Shibani (2019, June). The future of work and education – Invited talk at St.Jerome’s College Nagercoil, India.
  • Antonette Shibani (2018, Nov). ‘What the machines and humans can do together for education’. Presented at the UTS: Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences FASS conference.
  • Antonette Shibani (2018, Nov). Augmenting pedagogic writing support with contextualizable learning analytics. – Invited talk at the University of Sydney (Usyd) Centre for Research on Learning and Innovation CRLI, Australia [slides] [video].
  • Antonette Shibani, Sophie Abel and Simon Knight (2018, Nov). Computerised writing support with AcaWriter – Examples from three learning contexts. Presented at the UTS Teaching and Learning Forum 2018.
  • Antonette Shibani and Sophie Abel (2018, August). Automated feedback and Writing Analytics: Can it help student writing?Invited talk at the University of New South Wales LA-EDS Research group, UNSW, Australia.
  • Antonette Shibani (2018 Oct, 2019 Jan) Speaker on the expert panel discussing Data sources and analysis in the real world for the undergraduate subject ‘Arguments, Evidence and Intuition’, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
  • Sophie Abel and Antonette Shibani (2018, July). Using AcaWriter to help develop student writing. Presentation at the UTS Learning Futures Lab.

Workshops and Tutorials Organized

Research Projects and Grants involvement

  • Yasaman Mohammadi, Shayaan Malik, Mentor: Antonette Shibani. AI Across Disciplines: Embedding Artificial Intelligence Literacy in UTS Education($10,000 AUD). 2024 Students as Partners Project Grants, UTS
  • Antonette Shibani, Jayakrishnan Madathil Warriem, Lisa Angelique-Lim, Arup, Gnana Bharathy ($10,000 AUD). 2024 UTS Key Technology Partnerships Seed Funding Scheme.
  • Damian Maher, Keith Heggart, Antonette Shibani, Camille Dickson-Deane, Kimberley Pressick-Kilborn ($7000 AUD). AI in Schools. 2024 Centre for Research on Education in a Digital Society (CREDS) Seed Funding.
  • Shibani Antonette. ECR Seed Funding 2023 ($5000 AUD). Examining Critical Engagement with ChatGPT in Student Assessments. TD School, UTS.
  • Shibani Antonette. Australia India Research Students Fellowship 2023 ($7600 AUD) – AIRS Fellowship for building deeper research collaboration between India and Australia. Project title: Understanding argumentative discourse and user behaviour in social media comments.
  • Shibani Antonette. UTS ECR Sprint 2022 (UTS Internal Grant with industry partner) – Awarded $24,924. Project title: Towards increased adoption of modular school buildings for flexible learning needs of the future.
  • UTS Cross-Faculty Collaboration Scheme 2022 – University of Technology Sydney, Cross Faculty Collaboration Scheme, $49,900  Learning to navigate expert-expert disagreement: An interdisciplinary approach. Led by Simon Knight, with Amanda Wilson (Health); Shibani Antonette (TD School); Catriona Bonfiglioli (FASS); Jane Frawley (Health); Keith Heggart (FASS); Marian-Andrei Rizoiu (Data Science Institute); Nola Ries (Law).
  • Christian Rapp (Digitalization of Academic Writing, 2021). Team member. (Awarded 23,700 CHF by the Swiss National Science Foundation). Related book release: Digital Writing Technologies in Higher Education.
  • Shibani Antonette (Lead Investigator), Nicole Vincent, Simon Knight, Tony Huang, Bert Bongers: Ethics in Artificial Intelligence: Frameworks and Practical challenges – FTDi seed grant $5,000 (Awarded 2020)
  •  2021 – University of Technology Sydney, TD School Research Seed Fund for the Technology and Humanity Research Theme, $5,000. Ethics by Design, led by Nicole Vincent, Simon Knight, Shibani Antonette.
  • 2019 – Simon Knight, Heather Ford, Shibani Antonette: CiteLearn – an academic tool for learning to cite sources. 10,000 USD
  • 2019 – University of Technology Sydney ($3,986 AUD) First Year and Transition Experience Grants scheme. PI: Bron Harrison, with Nicole Sutton, Antonette Shibani, and Simon Knight. Improving written communication skills in management students’ research writing, through AcaWriter.
  • Higher Education Text Analytics (HETA) Project from Australian Technology Network:
  • 2018: Vice Chancellor’s Teaching and Learning Grant. Assessing the impact of automated writing feedback on student revisions in Civil Law.
  • 2013-2016, Grants from the Ministry of Education Singapore, led by Dr. Elizabeth Koh:
    • Exploring Teamwork Beliefs and Competencies in Technology-enabled 21st Century Classrooms
    • Measuring and Nurturing Teamwork Competency through a Computer-supported Creative Collaborative Problem-Solving Program
    • Integrating My Groupwork Buddy into the classroom to enhance student team collaboration and teacher pedagogical practice.

LA Research Trajectory

A trajectory of key publications and events that informed my research agenda in Learning Analytics and AI in education is as follows (*Recommended Reading):

2015 – 2017: Pedagogically aligned Teamwork Analytics using Text Analysis

2017 – 2020: Contextual LA and LA Alignment with Learning Design

2018 – 2023: Building the space of ‘Writing Analytics

2016 – 2020: Tools, Technologies, and Open Data

2019 – Ongoing: LA Practice, Impact, and Ethics

2022 – Ongoing: Critical Engagement, Generative AI, and Inclusive AI

  • *Antonette Shibani, Simon Knight and Simon Buckingham Shum (2022). Questioning learning analytics? Cultivating critical engagement as student automated feedback literacy. [BEST RESEARCH PAPER NOMINEE] The 12th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK ’22). [Author accepted version pdf]
  • Simon Buckingham Shum, Baki Kocaballi, Antonette Shibani (2023, Feb). Framing generative AI as EdTech. UTS LX lab talk (Slides, video recording)
  • Antonette Shibani, Ratnavel Rajalakshmi, Srivarshan Selvaraj, Faerie Mattins, Simon Knight (2023). Visual representation of co-authorship with GPT-3: Studying human-machine interaction for effective writing. In M. Feng, T. K¨aser, and P. Talukdar, editors, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Educational Data Mining, pages 183–193, Bengaluru, India, July 2023. International Educational Data Mining Society [PDF]
  • 2024, Jan. SoLAR Spotlight Podcast episode: Learning Analytics and AI: Opportunities & Challenges – Host of the SoLAR Spotlight podcast
  • Antonette Shibani, Simon Knight, Kirsty Kitto, Ajanie Karunanayake, Simon
    Buckingham Shum (2024, Accepted for publication). Untangling Critical Interaction with AI in Students’ Written Assessment. Extended Abstracts of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI ’24), May 11-16, 2024, Honolulu, HI, USA.
  • Antonette Shibani, Faerie Mattins, Srivarshan Selvaraj, Ratnavel Rajalakshmi, Gnana Bharathy (2024, Forthcoming). Tamil Co-Writer: Towards inclusive use of generative AI for writing support. In the First International Workshop on Generative AI for Learning Analytics (GenAI-LA). 14th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK24), Mar 18-22, Kyoto, Japan (Joint CEUR Proceedings of LAK 2024 Workshops).
[Download this list as PDF]

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