Questioning Learning Analytics – Cultivating critical engagement (LAK’22)

Gist of LAK 22 paper

Our full research paper has been nominated for Best Paper at the prestigious Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK) Conference:

Antonette Shibani, Simon Knight and Simon Buckingham Shum (2022, Forthcoming). Questioning learning analytics? Cultivating critical engagement as student automated feedback literacy. [BEST RESEARCH PAPER NOMINEE] The 12th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK ’22).

Here’s the gist of what the paper talks about:

  • Learning Analytics (LA) still requires substantive evidence for outcomes of impact in educational practice. A human-centered approach can bring about better uptake of LA.
  • We need critical engagement and interaction with LA to help tackle issues ranging from black-boxing, imperfect analytics, and the lack of explainability of algorithms and artificial intelligence systems, to the required relevant skills and capabilities of LA users when dealing with such advanced technologies.
  • Students must be able to, and should be encouraged to, question analytics in student-facing LA systems as Critical engagement is a metacognitive capacity that both demonstrates and builds student understanding.
  • This puts the power back to users and empowers them with agency when using LA.
  • Critical engagement with LA should be facilitated with careful design for learning; we provide an example case with automated writing feedback – see the paper for details on what the design involved.
  • We show empirical data and findings from student annotations of automated feedback from AcaWriter, where we want them to develop their automated feedback literacy.

The full paper is available for download at this link: [Author accepted manuscript pdf].

This paper was the hardest for me to write personally since I was running on 2-3 hours of sleep right after joining work part-time following my maternity leave. Super stoked to hear about the best paper nomination, as my work as a new mum paid off. Good to be back at work while also taking care of the little bubba 🙂 Thanks to my co-authors for accommodating my writing request really close to the deadline!

Also, workshops coming up in LAK22:

  • Antonette Shibani, Andrew Gibson, Simon Knight, Philip H Winne, Diane Litman (2022, Forthcoming). Writing Analytics for higher-order thinking skills. Accepted workshop at The 12th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK ’22).
  • Yi-Shan Tsai, Melanie Peffer, Antonette Shibani, Isabel Hilliger, Bodong Chen, Yizhou Fan, Rogers Kaliisa, Nia Dowell and Simon Knight (2022, Forthcoming). Writing for Publication: Engaging Your Audience. Accepted workshop at The 12th International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference (LAK ’22).