Generative AI – Rethinking Learning Futures Forum

In July, I was invited to speak at an Australia India InnovEd Forum on Generative AI – Rethinking Learning Futures hosted by the Australia India Institute.

Speakers for the Australia India InnovEd Forum on Generative AI

The forum ran as an online webinar where speakers from India and Australia shared their thoughts on the evolving role of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT in higher education. The full recording of the session is below, and a transcript is also available:

I am delighted to see emerging initiatives that promote and foster collaboration between India and Australia, and I’m glad to be a small part of it. I was also previously selected as one of the AIRS Fellows in the Australia India Research Students Fellowship program that supported short-term research exchange of scholars between the two countries, and have published with Indian colleagues. I hope to continue my research collaboration with colleagues from various institutions in India on related topics.